Monday, August 31, 2009

Rejuvination and Relaxation

I did it. I unplugged for the weekend. And it was great! All day Saturday I lounged around home (stayed in my PJs all day). I did some meditation, reading, drawing, a bit of writing and some housework. No TV, no computer, no phone, no radio. Just peace and quiet. Sunday I was a bit more "plugged in" since I watched some online tutorial videos for a software program I'm trying to learn (my trial membership expires in a couple days and I needed to watch a bunch more yet). Then mid-day I headed out to do some Goodwill bargain shopping. We've got three very good stores in my area, so I'd planned to hit them all. But 10 minutes in the first store and I knew that's not what I wanted. (But not before I scored a major find! Got about $300-$400 worth of 100% mohair or 100% lambs wool yarn for $15!) So I drove over the a City park that runs along the River in town after trying the shopping thing. I always keep my beach chair in the trunk along with a stash of magazines and reading material. So I planted myself next to the river for about 4 hours on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed the quiet. There were some fishermen and picnickers a ways off, but otherwise I was pretty secluded. I finally plugged back in fully when I got home Sunday evening. Caught up on emails and watched the news and chatted with my BFF on the phone for a bit. It was a good weekend. I'd like to plan "Unplugged Days" more often. Maybe once a month or so? It really feeds the soul. I highly recommend it. ~Pam

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