Monday, December 17, 2007

First Day Back To Work

Today is my first day back to work and I'm definitely ready to get outta here and head for home. I started the day out great - feeling good and ready to conquer the world. But now that's its 4:45 and I'm facing a 90 minute drive home, a support group meeting and about 4 hours of work on a client project tonight .... I'm worn out. Everyone was happy to see me and glad to have me back. Or at least that's how they acted anyway. hehehe ... We had our department Christmas luncheon, so it was a festive party day. Thankfully we had it catered this year, so us secretaries didnt' have to work all morning, then clean up all afternoon - it was nice. I did fine with eating as well. I tried some thing that I am not cleared to eat yet (pork tenderloin) but everything went down well and it tasted delicious. I still need to work on my eating, snacking schedule while I'm here at work. Right now this is what I have planned: 8:00 - Protein Shake (while driving to work) 10:00 - Breakfast 1:00 - Lunch 3:30 - Snack (although, I think I'm going to push it back to 4:30 tomorrow) 7:30 - Dinner 9:30 - Protein Shake (if I need it to fill in missed protein during the day) My biggest concern is Dinner. I'm often delayed on my way home and don't get home in time to have dinner right at 7:30. Like tonight I'm going to the support group meeting .... so I'm going to have to stop for food on the way and eat there. Sounds like a Wendy's Chili night. I also didn't do that great with water today. I'm still sipping on the bottle that I stopped and bought on the drive in this morning. Need to do better tomorrow. That's all for now ... ~Pam

1 comment:

  1. I like those frozen meatballs, you microwave them 30 seconds (2 or 3 of them), then i cut them up in a small bowl, add 1 tablespoon Prego and garlic salt and cheese, zap again 30 seconds till cheese melts, It is fast, tasty, and easy to digest!!


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