Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Freezer Meals.

Today I pulled some meals out of the freezer.  On Sundays I usually cook a big batch of something yummy that I pack up for lunches all week.  Sometimes those dishes feed me for longer than 5 lunches (cooking too much food is a family trait, I blame my mother).  So of course by the time I get done eating the same thing for 5 days in a row, I'm not usually thrilled with the prospect of eating it for another 3 or 4 days to use up what I've got leftover.  So I'll package up the leftovers into individual serving size containers and stash them in the freezer for a day when I need a quick meal and don't have anything prepped.

The main problem is that I rarely have something prepared for meals ahead of time.  It's much more likely that I'm facing a pile of leftovers that need to be added to the freezer stash.  

But this past weekend I didn't cook.  I simply ran out of time and didn't get around to throwing anything together.  So I rummaged through the freezer to see what I could find.  Lo and behold!  I found treasure!  I had some chicken zucchini casserole stuff (mystery casserole?) for lunch today and couldn't believe how delicious it was!  OMG!  So I got home tonight and went looking for more mystery casserole.  I found another bowl so I'm set for lunch tomorrow.  But guess what I'll probably be cooking this weekend for lunches next week?  

I also found a container of homemade beef stew and more protein ice cream than I knew I had.  A month or so ago, I pulled out some leftover Southwest Chicken and turned it into Tortilla Soup, which was delicious. Plus I discovered I've got a bunch of frozen fruit I'd forgotten about - so protein smoothies are on deck too.  

Want some recipes of things that freeze well?  Here's a few links from the Recipe Index

As for the chicken zucchini casserole I had for lunch today.  I don't know what the recipe was.  It was loosely based on Eggface's Double Dip Casserole -- but different stuff.  Mine had chicken, zucchini, black beans, diced tomatoes, edamame and who knows what else (that's all I could identify clearly).  

I think I'll venture into my freezer more often.  


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