Friday, July 10, 2009

2009 Goals -- half-year update

So we're halfway through 2009. How are you doing on your goals (or resolutions) for the year? I thought I'd do an update on how I'm doing with my 9 Goals for 2009

1. Meditate I go in spurts on this. I'll go several weeks in a row with dedicated "thinking time" and feel great about my mental attitude. But then something disrupts the schedule and I'm back to mental fuzziness again. So I renew this committment often.

2. Declutter I have 8 boxes of clothes and stuff packed up right now and will be dropped off at Goodwill this weekend. This goal also goes in spurts and I have weeks of extreme decluttering and then nothing for a long time. I do feel like I'm making progress though. 

3. Buy less stuff I'm failing miserably on this one! I've made some major purchases in the past 6 months - GoWearFit, Palm Pre, freezer, purse camera, stereo for my car, etc. And I'm about to buy a new lens for my SLR camera. But I still have 6 months to try and get this one accomplished, right? 

4. Take more photos I'm doing great on this one! Only problem is that I'm now running out of hard drive space on my computer because of all the photos (need to do some backups and deletions). I am super excited about the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk that I'm signed up for next weekend.

5. Go to school This one is definitely happening. It's going to be a long road before I get my degree, but I'm committed to finishing this time around. I'm excited to be starting my actual graphics classes in the fall - getting a bit bored with the business and marketing classes and want to get into the creative side of the degree.

6. Knit this afghan Well... I bought the yarn and I tried starting a couple times. But I have determined that I need some help on this one. I'd like to take a knitting class or something. But with school taking up a huge chunk of my time, I don't know how to squeeze this into my schedule. It might have to be put off for now - but I still want to accomplish it. We'll see.
7. Spend more time with friends This is difficult, but I'm doing my best. I've had to scale back on my group events, but I've ramped up my involvement with the WLS community. I can only do so many things with the hours I'm given, so unfortunately my social life is often the thing that suffers when life gets busy.

8. Renew love of scrapbooking I've tried. Really I have. But I am afraid I'm beyond this phase in my life. I'm working on a scrapbook for my grandmother right now and it's a struggle to get it done. I still have a whole room filled with scrapbooking supplies and plan to keep them for now. When I get more into the graphics classes with school and learn to use Photoshop a bit better, I anticipate moving into the digital scrapbooking arena - but that's a little ways off yet.

9. Continue Holistic Wellness Plan Goals I haven't worked on this specifically very much at all. I do have some goals that I still want to accomplish with this plan and will revisit them again. I don't feel a sense of urgency about these goals right now though, so it's not at the top of my list. I'm working on other goals - big ones are Travel Race Mania and school - so this might need to be put off for a while. We'll see.

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