Saturday, July 11, 2009

Race Day Rain Out

Late Friday evening I registered for the 10k race in Flint for Saturday morning. I knew there was suppose to be rain and thunderstorms passing through overnight and the weatherman said they would linger through morning. But I was hoping for good weather anyway. I went to bed last night around midnight and the rain hadn't started yet.
When my alarm went off at 5:45 a.m. this morning I was already awake because of the loud thunder and pounding rain. I had no desire to get up, drive 45 minutes to the race and walk for two hours in the middle of a thunderstorm. So I turned the alarm off and rolled over to go back to sleep.
But mid-morning, when the sun finally came out, I went out for some photowalking. I grabbed my camera and knew I wanted to hit a couple of my favorite spots in Bay City. The Farmer's Market was open on Saturday for the first time so there wasn't much to see or buy. The Flea Market was hopping, but I didn't see anything I couldn't live without. I walked down to the cemetary to see if I could get some interesting photos, then back up Center with all the victorian houses. When I got back downtown I found a car show in full swing so I did my civic duty and support the concession stand run by the Boy Scouts and had a hotdog and a snow cone. I took a bunch of photos all along the way, of course. And when I got home I used to figure out how far I walked. 5.09 miles. Not bad for skipping a race today, huh?

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