Saturday, September 13, 2008

The 5K that was 4 miles long

It's raining
It's pouring
The old man is snoring....
Yep, I got wet today.  Very, very wet.  But at least I got my walking in. 
Our training group needed to walk 4 miles today according to the training schedule, so we met before the race and walked a mile together.  Then afterward we did the 5k race. 
Unfortunately there was a break between that first mile and the race of about 45 minutes -- which caused a bit of calf cramping for me during the first part of the race.  
I finished is record time today!  50:47  which is about 4 minutes faster than my best time.  Why so fast?  Because I was booking for the first mile of the race.  I walked with a friend and she was flying.  Eventually I dropped back to my normal pace and let her go ahead of me.  But that first mile really put me in a good place timewise.  But also the rest of the race was a bit quicker than normal for me because of the rain.  I was in a hurry to get done and out of the downpour. 
It feels good to finish races like this.  And the shirt we got today was pretty cool too.  :-)

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