Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Semester

One of the big goals that I'm working toward is finally getting my college degree.  It's sort of this all-consuming goal right now and sometimes I forget that it's actually a goal I'm working on.  Last semester seriously kicked my butt and I was somewhat regretting the start of another semester. Oh how easy it is to get bogged down in the drudgery of the details of school work and schedules and deadlines. So I sometimes forget that every assignment I turn in, every semester I finish, every new class I begin --- all take me one step closer to achieving this huge goal I've set for myself.  

This morning when my alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. I found myself doubting this whole school thing. Not because I don't want to finish my degree, because I do.  Plus - today's class is Typography. A fontaholic in a typography class... it's a surreal experience for sure.  But the doubt probably came in because these 10 weeks in this semester is giving me a different kind of challenge that I honestly don't want to deal with.  (And even typing it here makes me seem like a whiney baby.) A Saturday class eliminates 25% of my weekend. My weekends are very precious to me and I'm generally very selfish with how much of my time I give up to anyone. 

But then I'm reminded of the goal. 

I'm so close to achieving this goal I've set for myself.  A goal I've tried achieving three different times in the past but failed at.  But this time I'm going to succeed. So these next 9 Saturdays when the alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m., I'm going to try had to remember that it's all about success and achieving goals and proving how awesome I am. 



  1. Keep telling yourself, "I can do hard things." You can do anything for 9 weeks. Good luck!

  2. My husband is also working towards finishing his degree. He also has to remind himself of his goal when the alarm goes off on Saturday morning.
