Sunday, May 17, 2009

Race Day

Yesterday morning I met up with Kristy and Lori for the 5k race at the Bay City State Park.  It was Lori's first race and she did amazingly!  Kristy rocked too finishing just 9 seconds behind me. 
This race was actually pretty tough because of the course. Much of it was on hard-pack trails with gravel. Then some of it was also over grass which was wet, too long and obviously not on even ground. 
I have been practicing some speedwalking techniques in my workouts lately - upright posture with shoulders back, buttocks tucked in, core engaged, shorter steps, arms close to the body and used to propel me forward.  When I'm on pavement I feel like I'm walking much faster than my normal pace - it doesn't work so well on rough terrain though.  I've yet to time myself with the speedwalking to see if it's really making a difference. 
Here's the results for Kristy, Lori and I:
32. Pamela Saginaw, MI 39 50:21.09 197 
33. Kristy Bay City, MI 51 50:30.18 198 
39. Lori Saginaw, MI 42 51:20.84 205
My Stats:
Distance: 3.1 miles
Time: 50:21
Pace:  16:15
Weather: 55-ish, chilly and drizzily

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