Monday, January 19, 2009

Remember that post ....

Remember that post from about 6 weeks ago when I was wondering how much I weighed when I was 18?  Well... I found a number as I was sorting through some boxes of crap in my storage room (yes, I was cleaning and decluttering!).  
In my old School Days book that my mom started for me in kindergarten, I found a weight written down for each year all the way up to the 11th grade (age 17).  For my senior year something was written down, but I had scribbled it out so good that I couldn't read the number -- I must not have been happy with that number, huh?
So at age 17 I weighed 160.  As I looked at pictures from my high school and college days I looked normal.  A normal weight compared to everyone else around me.  According to the BMI charts, I would have been 6 pounds overweight.  I don't remember being unhappy with my weight back then - in fact, I don't remember much about my weight back then at all.  
I'm not sure if this changes my current weight goals.  But it's a good number to know, I guess. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I was a 160lbs at birth . . or so it feels today.
    I'm hoping after I have my tummy tuck I will be happy with the skin I'm in. But I must say you look much thinner than you weigh.
    You look FAB!
