Thursday, January 15, 2009

In A Hibernating Emotional Funk

For the past several weeks (since before Christmas) I’ve been in the mood to hibernate. I just want to be home, in my jammies, curled up in my easy chair with a blanket and no responsibilities. I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything or socialize with anyone. It’s winter and it’s cold and I’d love to just take a never ending hot bubble bath or something. I don’t know if this “hiding out” is causing my emotions to go haywire or if my emotions are haywire so I want to hide out. But it seems like I’ve been on the edge for the past few weeks with moodiness. Seems like my patience is gone and I get angry pretty easily. I haven’t been hanging out on the OH forums much lately because I don’t have the patience to deal with the silly questions – normally I’m pretty laid back and try to help folks even if their questions are elementary and something they can figure out with a quick Google search or by reading their post-op instructions from their surgeon. But I’ve found myself getting snippy with people and I don’t like that about myself… so I’ve been staying away for now. I’m not the type of person to cry, but I feel like I’ve been on the edge of breaking down and it won’t take much to push me over. Guess it just feels like I’ve been in a funk and I’m starting to get on my own nerves. I’m taking the advice of Dr. Williams and writing in my Emotional Journal. Just writing about my feelings and why I think I’m feeling those things. It seems to help, but it takes a lot of energy to get it down on paper and really deal with those emotions. I’m doing it anyway. This never ending plateau is getting old too. But that’s a whole other post. I’m sure it’s just the winter season doing it. And I’m sure it’ll pass soon. It’s just all starting to annoy me at the moment.


  1. I broke my golden rule yesterday and went to the tanner - not to get tan but to feel the hot "sun" on my body. I can't believe how much better I felt . . mind over matter . . well I'm not sure. Maybe it is the long winter, but if I have to go to the tanner once a week for the next three months to feel better I'm going to do it. Your not alone with the "wanting to be home feeling" I was very depressed to have to come back to work yesterday after being off a week - I am blessed to have a wonderful job but taking the first three months of the year off to just hang out in my pj's and not leave the house sounds like a great vacation!
    Hang in there and remember your not alone!

  2. It is called SAD seasonal affective disorder... look it up ;-) and BTW light therapy is great for it, so going to the tanning bed DOES help.. :-) Try sitting in the sunniest part of your house this weekend... The first step IS admitting that you have a prob.. You just did.... now get informed.... Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. What are the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder during winter?
    People with SAD have many of the normal signs of depression, including:

    decreased levels of energy
    difficulty concentrating
    increase in appetite
    increased desire to be alone
    increased need for sleep
    weight gain

  4. Thank you Shasta. I've known about SAD and think I often deal with most winters (have I mentioned that I hate snow?!).

    Kristy - my gym has a tanning bed that I can use for $1... sounds like motivation to get my butt to the gym.

    Kris - Yeah! Let's move to FL or something! :-)
