Wednesday, July 16, 2008

7.3 Miles Yesterday ... Sore Today

Our walking group did 7.3 miles last night. Thankfully the weather wasn't too hot and there was a nice breeze. We did it in 2 hours, 18 minutes -- a bit slower than our normal pace, but we all seemed to be rolling at the same speed last night with no stragglers (like me, for instance). All during the walk last night, I had a little bit of a stitch in my upper right thigh -- or hip, I guess. Nothing to keep me from walking, just a bit of discomfort that seemed to bordering on a muscle cramp, but never really got to the point of a full blown cramp. This morning I'm hobbling like an old woman! That little stitch in my hip/thigh is now screaming at me today. My feet were a bit sore when I got out of bed this morning, but that went away quickly. Hopefully some stretches and some recovery time will take care of the thigh thingy. But it sure did feel good to accomplish 7.3 miles! Only 5 more weeks of training until the Crim 10 Mile Race on August 23rd. I can't believe it's coming up so quickly. ~Pam

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