Friday, July 11, 2008

100 Ways

My life is changing at record breaking speed. I notice things everyday that make me smile and make me happy that I'm working so hard to lose this extra weight. So here is my next installment of the "100 Ways my Life has Changed Since Losing Weight." 

41. I have a boney butt. My uncle used to tease me about this when I was a little girl and would sit on his lap, but it's been a long, long time since I've been accused of it. Now it's actually uncomfortable to sit too long on a hard chair. 

42. I pass a mirror and can't believe my eyes. I have to stop, look, turn and just admire myself for an extra few seconds. Before surgery I'd hate passing mirrors. 

43. I have the stamina to deal with extended period of busyness. It's been non-stop activity, errands and running for the past 10 days and I still have the energy to keep going. (Although I'm looking forward to an evening of relaxing tonight after work.) 

44. I have made so many wonderful friends in the WLS community. Who would have thought that I'd lose so much weight and gain so many fabulous people in my life? 

45. I can sleep. I know I've listed this one before, but it still amazes me that I can sleep so soundly through the night and feel refreshed in the morning. It's been so long since I've slept so well and I love every minute of it. 

46. I sold all my "FAT" clothes last weekend at the yard sale. Well, sold a lot of them and donated the rest to charity. It feels great to shed that baggage from my life knowing I won't ever need them again. 

47. I will be photographing my cousin, Peggy's wedding next weekend. I'll be on my feet all day and working my butt off. I'm not worried about how I'll do or how I'll feel. I'm confident that I'll have enough energy to make it through the long day and not take 3 days to recover from such an event. (When I photographed my sister's wedding 2 months before surgery it literally took me 3 days to start feeling good again - was so sore and so tired after that long day.) 

48. I'm wearing clothes that a co-worker gave to me from her closet. It's strange to imagine that I'm the same size as she is. 

49. I have a completely different mindset about food. When I want a "treat" I don't run for a pizza or cake or candy ... I seek out something healthy like a handful of grapes or sugar-free popsicle or a tortilla pizza with fat-free turkey pepperoni and sliced tomatoes. Or like dinner last night was oven roasted tomatoes with herbs and cheese - and that was an answer to a craving for them. Who would have guessed! 

50. I have a tan! Remember those summers as a kid when you'd play outside all day long and by the end of June you'd have an amazing tan from all the sunshine. Now that I'm outside walking so many hours every week I've gotten a rich deep tan that makes my skin glow and makes me look healthy and happy.

1 comment:

  1. Pam - Great Job on the huckleberry Run. I said Hello to you at the race on Thursday.. I am Michele from the Hurley Support Group. You gave me your card at one of the meetings and I have been checking your blog periodically since then.. I remembered your face from the blog. I have only been to one support meeting since my surgery which was 10 weeks ago. I truly want to go to more and was sad that I missed the one this week but work prevented me from coming. I am going to try to go to the one in Vassar. MY race was not as fast as y ours but I finished so that is an accomplishment on its own.

    I would like to invite you to check out my blog if you feel like it.
    Take care and maybe we will run into each other again at another race. I am doing the flint journal 5K tomorrow morning.
